Pink clay
Pink Clay
Pink clay is a fine blend of red and white
clay. It is one of the most effective types of clay for the skin due to its
richness in natural and beneficial minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium,
magnesium, and many other important ingredients.
Benefits of Pink Clay
- Pink clay cleanses the skin and leaves it as
soft as silk
- Pink clay renews skin cells
- Restores glow to the tired face
- Pink clay treats damaged skin
- Pink clay erases redness and tightens skin
- Slows down skin aging
- Soothes dry skin and enhances blood circulation
- Gives the skin immense moisture and softness
- Restores youth and vitality to the skin
How to use Pink Clay
Mix an equal amount of pink clay and mineral
water until you get a homogeneous paste. Then apply it on your face and leave
it for 15 minutes. After that, rinse it off.
For better results, you can add some natural
elements to the mixture, such as honey and aloe vera.
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